BJ Abrams, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Tina Alonzo, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities, Office of the Executive Vice President for Administration
Diane Barker, Residential and Hospitality Services
Tiana Carter, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Pape Diagne, Student Representative
Justin Fernando, Student Representative
Terry Frazier, Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion
Shreena Ghandi, Coalition of Racial and Ethnic Minorities Representative
Jeff Kasdorf, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Sujin Lee, Student Representative
Lesly Morales, Student Representative
Brian Mullen, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Alyssa Murphy, Student Representative
Genyne Royal, Student Success Initiatives, Neighborhood Student Success Collaborative
Samuel Salvidar, Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion
Shiksha Sneha, Alumni Representative
Christine So, Student Representative
Lisa Sudia, Office of Planning and Budgets, Facilities Planning and Space Management
Ryan Thomas, National Pan-Hellenic Council
Julian Trevino, Student Representative
David Wilber, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Kyan Zeller, University Development
Jabbar Bennett, Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion
Dan Bollman, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Tiana Carter, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Tammi Cervantes, Alumni Representative
Vennie Gore, Student Life and Engagement
Barbara Kranz, Office of Planning and Budgets, Facilities Planning and Space Management
Henry Mochida, University Communications, Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion
Brian Mullen, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Alyssa Murphy, Student Representative
Sharron Reed-Davis, Student Representative
Lisa Sudia, Office of Planning and Budgets, Facilities Planning and Space Management
Steve Troost, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Vennie Gore, Student Life and Engagement
Brian Mullen, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Lisa Sudia, Office of Planning and Budgets, Facilities Planning and Space Management
Tiana Carter, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities